Become a vendor

Join our community to unlock your greatest asset and welcome paying guests into your home.

How does it work?

Why be a Local Expert

Becoming a Local Expert and vendor for offers a unique opportunity to leverage your local knowledge and services in the global travel market. Here are some compelling reasons why you might consider being both a Local Expert and a vendor for

1. Diversify Your Income: By being a vendor, you can sell your products or services to a global audience. This diversifies your income streams and opens up new revenue opportunities.

2. Showcasing Your Expertise: As a Local Expert, you can share your in-depth knowledge of your area, including hidden gems, local culture, and traditions. This expertise can enhance travelers' experiences and attract more customers to your vendor services.

3. Boost Local Economy: As a vendor, you contribute to the local economy by promoting your local products or services. This can lead to increased business for local suppliers, artisans, and other businesses in your community.

4. Marketing and Exposure: provides a platform for you to showcase your offerings to a wide audience. Their marketing efforts can help increase your visibility, reaching potential customers who might not have discovered your services otherwise.

5. Networking Opportunities: Being a vendor allows you to connect with other local experts and vendors within the community. Networking can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and mutual business growth.

6. Enhance Traveler Experiences: As a Local Expert, you can curate unique travel experiences based on your local knowledge. By offering complementary products or services as a vendor, you enhance these experiences, making them more convenient and enjoyable for travelers.

7. Positive Impact: By providing quality products or services, you create positive experiences for travelers. Satisfied customers are more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend your services, further enhancing your reputation.

8. Flexibility and Control: As a vendor, you have control over your offerings, pricing, and availability. This flexibility allows you to tailor your services according to market demand and your own schedule.

9. Gain Valuable Insights: provides analytics and customer feedback that can offer valuable insights into traveler preferences and market trends. This information can help you refine your offerings and marketing strategies.

10. Support Sustainable Tourism: You can promote eco-friendly products, sustainable tours, or locally sourced goods, contributing to the growing demand for sustainable travel experiences.

Ultimately, being a Local Expert and vendor for can be a fulfilling way to showcase your passion, support your local community, and create memorable experiences for travelers from around the world.


  How will I receive my payment?

The method of receiving payment can depend on various factors, including the nature of the service or product you're selling. Here are common methods through which people receive payments:

  1. Online Payment Processors:

    • PayPal: PayPal is a widely used online payment platform that allows you to receive payments securely. You can link your PayPal account to your bank account for easy transfers.
    • Stripe: We run a subscription-based service, Stripe is a popular payment gateway that allows businesses to receive payments directly to their bank accounts.
  2. Bank Transfers:

    • You can receive payments directly to your bank account through wire transfers or electronic fund transfers (EFT). This method is commonly used for large transactions or international payments.
    • Escrow Services:

      • For transactions involving a significant amount of money, especially in freelance work or real estate, an escrow service might be used. The escrow service holds the payment until the terms of the transaction are met, providing security for both parties.
    • Cash (In-Person Transactions):

      • For local or in-person transactions, you might receive cash payments. Ensure safety and follow local guidelines for such transactions.

For Travepo it's essential to clarify the payment method beforehand. Make sure you understand the terms, including fees (if any) associated with the payment method you choose. Always prioritize secure and reliable payment methods to safeguard your financial transactions.



  How do I upload products?

1. Log In to Your Account:

  • Go to the website where you want to upload products.
  • Log in to your account. If you don’t have an account, you might need to sign up first.

2. Access Your Dashboard or Seller Account:

  • Once logged in, you'll typically be directed to your dashboard or seller account.

3. Find the "Add Product" or "Upload Product" Button:

  • Look for a button or link that says "Add Product," "Upload Product," "Create Listing," or something similar. This is usually prominently displayed in your seller dashboard.

4. Enter Product Details:

  • You will be prompted to enter specific details about your product, such as the title, description, price, category, and images. Some platforms allow you to upload multiple images, so make sure to showcase your product from different angles.

5. Provide Product Information:

  • Describe your product accurately. Include details like size, color, material, weight, and any other relevant information that potential buyers might need to know.

6. Set Pricing and Inventory:

  • Specify the price for your product. If you have multiple items, indicate the quantity available (stock/quantity). Some platforms also allow you to set up discounts or specify whether the product is on sale.

7.  Tax Information:

  •  You might also need to specify tax details based on your location and the customer's location.

8. Review and Publish:

  • Review all the information you've entered to ensure it's accurate and complete. Some platforms allow you to preview how your product listing will appear to customers. Once you're satisfied, click the "Publish" or "Submit" button.

9. Manage Your Listings:

  • After publishing, you can usually manage your listings from your seller dashboard. This includes editing, renewing, or removing listings as needed.

10. Provide Excellent Customer Service:

  • Be prepared to respond promptly to customer inquiries, process orders efficiently, and provide excellent customer service to build trust and encourage positive reviews.

Remember, the exact steps and options can vary, so it's essential to refer to the specific guidelines or help section of the website or platform you're using for the most accurate and detailed instructions.



  How do I update or extend my availabilities?

1. Log In to Your Account:

  • Go to the platform's website and log in to your account using your username and password.

2. Access Your Dashboard or Profile:

  • Once logged in, navigate to your dashboard or profile. Look for options related to your listings, products, or services.

3. Locate Your Listing or Product:

  • Find the specific listing or product for which you want to update or extend the availability. It might be under a section like "My Listings," "Products," or a similar title.

4. Edit Your Listing:

  • Select the listing or product you want to update. There should be an option to edit or manage the listing. Click on it.

5. Update Availability Dates:

  • Look for a section related to availability or scheduling. You should find options to update the dates when your product or service is available. Some platforms use calendars where you can mark specific dates as available or unavailable.

6. Adjust Pricing and Details (If Needed):

  • While you're editing, you might want to review and update other details, such as pricing, descriptions, or images. Make any necessary changes.

7. Save or Update Your Listing:

  • After making the changes, there should be a "Save," "Update," or "Publish" button at the bottom of the editing page. Click on this button to apply the changes to your listing.

8. Confirm Changes:

  • Some platforms might ask you to confirm the changes before they go live. Make sure to review the modifications and confirm them if required.

9. Double-Check Your Listing:

  • After updating the availability, double-check your listing to ensure that the changes have been applied correctly. Verify the dates, prices, and any other details you updated.

Remember, if you encounter any difficulties or if the steps provided here don't match the interface of the platform you're using, consult the platform's help or support section. Most platforms offer detailed guides or customer support to assist users with managing their listings and availabilities effectively.



  How do I increase conversion rate?

Understand Your Audience:

  • Research and understand your target audience. Know their needs, preferences, and pain points. Tailor your messaging and offerings to address their specific requirements.

 Optimize shop Design:

  • Ensure your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. A clean and intuitive design can significantly impact user experience.

Enhance Product Descriptions:

  • Write detailed, persuasive, and benefits-focused product or service descriptions. Highlight unique selling points and explain how your offerings solve customers' problems or fulfill their needs.

Offer Clear Value Proposition:Clearly articulate the value of your products or services. Explain what sets you apart from competitors and how customers stand to benefit by choosing your offerings